People suffering from varicose veins need to adhere to certain nutritional principles, which are auxiliary means to alleviate the condition of patients. You can learn more about what a diet for varicose veins is from our article.
The essence of the diet for varicose veins
The main essence of the diet for varicose veins is to regulate nutrition, which will allow you to bring your weight back to normal (reducing the load on blood vessels) and reduce the thickness of the blood - one of the main dangers of varicose veins.
It has been shown that in varicose veins the blood can thicken and this can lead to thrombosis. In addition, viscous blood is more difficult to pump, so the load on the heart also increases.
How to make blood more fluid? This will help, first of all, diet and maintenance of the alcohol consumption regime. According to statistics, most vascular problems occur in people who do not drink enough fluids. As a result, the body loses its fluids, the blood becomes viscous, and blood clots form in capillaries and other vessels.
From this we can conclude that to replenish fluid losses and ensure normal metabolic processes, you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day - this is a natural and economical remedy for reducing blood viscosity. It is allowed to replace water with herbal teas or green tea without sugar or freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices. The most preferred juices are grape, citrus, tomato or berry.
Alcoholic drinks, including beer, will have to be excluded, because they do not contribute to saturating the body with moisture.
Before you start creating a nutritional menu for varicose veins, you need to remember that the greatest benefits come from natural products that dilute and renew the blood. Most foods that contain preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other chemicals contribute to blood thickening: they must be eliminated from the daily diet.
Patients with varicose veins are recommended to always have two lists of food products at hand: those that are permitted and those that are not recommended and which can harm the body. We will talk about these products a little later.
In addition to affecting blood circulation, food should also help facilitate liver function. The fact is that the liver is responsible for many metabolic reactions and processes that occur in our tissues. In particular, this organ produces special components that prevent the increase in blood viscosity. It goes without saying that nutritional deficiencies, bad habits, unfavorable environmental conditions, frequent and uncontrolled use of drugs negatively affect liver function. Hence the following conclusion: nutrition should be done in such a way as not to overload the liver, but to facilitate its work. That is, it is necessary to limit fatty, smoked, canned and heavy foods, all those products that require additional resources for processing.
To alleviate the manifestations of varicose veins and prevent the disease from worsening, it is advisable to reconsider your attitude towards bad habits, pay attention to the drugs you take and evaluate the advisability of taking them (especially hormonal drugs and diuretics ) - all these factors significantly influence the increase in blood coagulability.
What substances are most necessary in the treatment of varicose veins?
- Vitamin E (tocopherol) ensures the elasticity of blood vessels. It is found in sufficient quantities in sprouted cereals, egg yolk and vegetable oils.
- Ascorbic acid thins the blood and eliminates inflammation in the blood vessels. Berries, tomatoes, citrus fruits and kiwis are rich in vitamins.
- Rutin is considered an essential vitamin for blood vessel health. It is found in citrus fruits (especially in the peel), blackcurrants, nuts and green tea.
- Bioflavonoids are beneficial substances that facilitate venous circulation. The substances are found mainly in dark varieties of cherries.
- Copper is necessary to produce a sufficient amount of elastin in the tissues, which serves to prevent the appearance of venous "nodules". A lot of copper is found in seafood.
- Fiber forces the digestive system to work, preventing constipation, one of the factors that causes varicose veins. Fiber is found in plant foods, bran and cereals.
- Water thins the blood, facilitating blood flow and reducing the load on the vascular walls.
Diet for varicose veins of the lower extremities
The lower limbs are perhaps the most susceptible to varicose veins. Basically, this can be explained by the increased load on the legs: a person walks a lot during the day, stands, sits cross-legged, etc. At the same time, the vessels experience a lot of pressure. This is especially noticeable if you are overweight or have unfavorable heredity (one of your relatives suffers from chronic varicose veins).
If your varicose veins are associated with a genetic predisposition, then you should focus all your efforts on maintaining normal vascular permeability and tone: do not exert excessive strain on the lower extremities, wear special underwear and socks, eat well and lead a style healthy lifestyle, drink enough water. It's okay if your work activity doesn't involve prolonged stress on your legs.
If you are overweight, the first task is to reduce it, preferably not by fasting, but by following an adequate diet, with sufficient protein foods and limiting simple sugars.
You should not deny yourself seafood: sea fish, shrimp, algae, squid are rich in minerals, which our ships really need. Thanks to seafood, blood vessels become elastic, their fragility and permeability decrease.
In addition, food should provide the body with sufficient vitamins. Rutin (vitamin P) and ascorbic acid are especially useful for the vascular system.
Such vitamins are found in large quantities in tea leaves, rose hips, citrus fruits, rowan berries, etc. By the way, for a healthy person, the routine daily dose is from 25 to 50 mg, and in case of vascular diseases, this amount increases to 150 mg per day.
Vitamins C and P tend to stimulate the production of collagen, considered one of the main components of the skin and vascular walls. If there is no deficiency of the listed vitamins, the walls of the capillaries are generally strong, elastic, resistant and allow good blood flow. Normally functioning vessels mean the absence of problems with pressure, swelling and varicose veins.
Dietary changes, taking into account the enrichment of the diet with vitamins P and C, should be started already with the following symptoms:
- rapid leg fatigue;
- the appearance of causeless bruises and varicose veins;
- pain in the joints of the lower limbs.
Diet for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
With thrombophlebitis, as with no other disease, blood thinning measures are relevant. Nutrition is of no small importance: the food consumed must contain all the necessary substances to prevent clogging of the veins with blood clots and the development of the inflammatory process.
The thrombophlebitis diet involves the predominant consumption of plant foods. Particularly popular are dishes with pineapples, watermelons, melons, ginger, all kinds of onions and cinnamon. It is not recommended to eat bananas, legumes, meat and soy products in large quantities.
It is important to reduce the proportion of foods rich in vitamin K in the daily diet, which improves the coagulation process - blood clotting. This vitamin is present in all green plant foods: lettuce, parsley and cilantro, any type of cabbage. There is also a lot of vitamin in nuts, eggs, whole milk, meat, liver, fish. If you like to drink herbal teas, you should exclude plants such as nettle, raspberry leaves, linden and dog rose from herbal teas.
In addition, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty foods. The fact is that fat promotes better absorption of vitamin K, since it is fat-soluble.
What food should you take in case of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis? Give preference to colorful vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products and cereals. You can cook casseroles, stews, steam, etc. Also, do not overeat or drink alcoholic beverages.
Diet for varicose veins of the pelvis
Pelvic varicose veins are a disease that predominantly affects women. It is associated, in most cases, with pregnancy and childbirth, a sedentary lifestyle and the internal use of contraceptives. The disease mainly affects those who already have varicose veins in the extremities and hemorrhoids.
In addition to drug treatment, diet will help relieve the symptoms of pelvic veins. It represents a transition to a healthy diet rich in plant-based foods with fiber. Fiber is necessary, first of all, to prevent constipation, which aggravates varicose veins, increasing the load on the vascular system of the abdominal cavity.
The body also needs protein foods, which help regenerate vascular walls.
What you should give up first is alcohol, smoking, fatty foods and carbohydrates.
What recommendations can be given regarding the diet for pelvic varicose veins:
- If possible, eat a couple of pieces of pineapple a day;
- prepare this medicine: chop 200 g of peeled garlic, mix with 300 ml of honey. Leave for a week. Take the finished mixture 1 tbsp. spoon before each meal;
- Sea kale is considered an excellent remedy for varicose veins. It should be consumed several times a day every day for 3 months;
- It is recommended to eat a handful of pine nuts every day;
- It is helpful to add a little nutmeg powder, cinnamon and ginger to your food.
All other recommendations correspond to the general rules of nutrition for varicose veins.
Diet for varicose veins of the esophagus
Esophageal varicose veins are a rather insidious disease, since for a long time the patient may not be aware of its existence. And only in an advanced state does the disease make itself felt.
Dilation of the veins of the esophagus requires a fairly strict diet, which reduces the load on the digestive system and facilitates the passage of food.
- The number of meals should be divided into 5-6 times, and the portions should be small.
- Food must be chopped and chewed well or, better yet, cooked to a semi-liquid state so as not to damage the walls of the esophageal tube.
- The last meal of the day should be eaten approximately 4 hours before going to sleep.
- It is not recommended to sleep on a low pillow to avoid reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
- It is necessary to strongly limit (or better yet eliminate) the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned foods, as well as dishes with hot spices and a lot of salt.
- Fasting days have a good effect: fasting watermelon, melon and days of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices are especially welcome.
It is advisable to limit meat in the diet: replace it with shrimp, lean fish and squid. You should also "forget" about aspic, canned food (both fish and meat), alcohol and rich broths. The consumption of black coffee is also limited.
All dishes are steamed, baked, boiled or baked. Experts recommend paying more attention to plant-based and fermented milk products and cereals.
Dietary menu for varicose veins
In order not to think about what to cook yourself during the day, without interrupting your diet, it is recommended to draw up a sample menu in advance. In the future, using the already compiled diet, it will be possible to modify it, simply by replacing some products with similar ones.
Let's take an example.
The first day:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal with raisins.
- For a second breakfast you can prepare a kiwi and orange smoothie with honey.
- For lunch: buckwheat soup and vegetable salad with Borodino bread.
- Snack: fruit yogurt.
- We have dinner with a piece of boiled fish and a portion of seaweed salad.
Second day:
- For breakfast, prepare a portion of low-fat ricotta with fruit and honey.
- For second breakfast, fruit jelly or mousse is suitable.
- We have lunch with pumpkin porridge and baked aubergines with tomatoes.
- As a snack: carrot and apple salad with yogurt.
- Dinner: a portion of mashed potatoes with beetroot salad.
Day three:
- For breakfast: rice pudding with plums.
- For second breakfast, cook a pear with honey and nuts.
- You can have lunch with onion soup and vegetable casserole.
- For a snack – a glass of tomato juice.
- For dinner – steamed chicken meatballs with vegetables.
Fourth day:
- For breakfast we eat steamed cheesecake with fruit.
- For second breakfast: a yogurt and fruit smoothie.
- We have lunch with tomato soup and carrot cutlet with sour cream.
- Snack on a cup of vegetable salad.
- For dinner you can boil chicken breast with mint sauce.
Fifth day:
- For breakfast: wholemeal bread with peanut butter.
- Kefir with berries is suitable for second breakfast.
- We have lunch with okroshka and stuffed tomatoes.
- Snack: freshly squeezed apple juice.
- We dine on a piece of steamed salmon with lemon sauce.
Sixth day:
- We have breakfast with buckwheat pancakes and apple sauce.
- For second breakfast: a handful of pine nuts or dried fruit.
- We have lunch with rice soup and a piece of fish casserole.
- Snack: apple with ricotta.
- We have dinner with a portion of vegetarian pilaf.
Let's make the seventh day a day of fasting.
Before going to bed, half a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt without additives is allowed.
Dietary recipes for varicose veins
- Kiwi and orange smoothie– a healthy and quite simple sweet and sour drink to prepare. All you need is a blender and the ingredients: peeled orange, kiwi (if you wish you can also add mandarin or other fruits), a teaspoon. HoneyIn summer it is also recommended to add a few edible ice cubes for freshness. Grind all products in a blender and pour into glasses or glasses.
- Baked aubergines with cherry tomatoes- a healthy dietary dish. Ingredients: two medium eggplants, 4 tomatoes, 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, vegetable oil, sour cream, spices. Let's start cooking: cut the washed aubergines into slices (about 5 mm), do the same with the cherry tomatoes. Peel the garlic and squeeze it through a press or simply chop it. Lightly sprinkle the eggplant slices with spices and place them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake until golden brown, turning once to the other side. Put the finished eggplants on a plate, put 0. 5-1 teaspoon on each circle. sour cream mixed with garlic and on top of the sauce put a piece of tomato. Already in this form the dish can be served on the table. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated cheese or sesame seeds.
- Rice pudding with plums- a good replacement for the usual boring porridge. Necessary ingredients of the dish: 100 g of round rice, 600 ml of milk, sugar, 2 eggs, lemon zest, cinnamon. Cooking: add the sugar (about 60 g, to taste) and the lemon zest to the milk. Place on the heat, bring to the boil and add the rice. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the dried fruit cut into small pieces and washed and put the rice in the oven at +120 °C for about 40 minutes. Stir the rice several times during cooking. Take out the cooked rice and let it cool. In the meantime, separate the yolks from the whites. Add the egg yolks to the rice and mix thoroughly. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites and whip them until stiff, then carefully fold them into the rest of the mixture. Bake for another 15 minutes or so: you can do it directly on the baking tray, or distribute it in special moulds. We serve the dish in them. When serving, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can also garnish it with honey or fruit sauce.
- mint sauce- A delicious addition to chicken breast. Ingredients: 75 ml red wine vinegar, 25 g sugar, fresh mint leaves (about 10 g), a small onion (preferably the sweet one). Mix vinegar, sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Grind the mint leaves and onion, combine them with the vinegar and place in the refrigerator for several hours (minimum 2-3 hours). Serve with meat.
- Peanut pasteit can be used for a quick and healthy breakfast, or to prepare sauces and various second courses. We will need: 200 g of roasted and peeled peanuts (without salt and pepper), ½ tsp. salt, 40 ml of vegetable oil, 5 g of honey. Pour the nuts into a blender, add salt and honey and grind at maximum speed for about 1-2 minutes. Add the oil, mix and turn the blender on again for 2 minutes. The paste is ready, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 1. 5-2 months.
- Buckwheat Pancakes– thin, suitable for any filling, or simply with sour cream. Ingredients: 1 cup buckwheat flour, 1 cup kefir, salt and sugar to taste, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, vegetable oil. Beat the eggs, add the kefir, a little salt and sugar. Mix everything. Gradually add the buckwheat flour, stirring constantly. Then add the water little by little, kneading and checking the consistency of the dough. Fry thin pancakes in a pan greased with vegetable oil.
Enjoy your meal!
If you have symptoms of an unpleasant disease such as varicose veins, proper nutrition and diet for varicose veins can prevent further worsening of the disease. In addition, if varicose veins have just begun to develop, changing your diet will help avoid complications and negative consequences of the pathology.
What can you eat if you have varicose veins?
It is not difficult to choose products that can be useful against varicose veins. It is important to remember the main thing: the food consumed must be enriched, varied and should not contain large amounts of animal fats, unnatural additives (chemicals, preservatives), salt, simple sugars, hot spices and substances that thicken the blood.
Recommended for use:
- dishes based on berries, fruit, vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, kiwis, pears, grapes, watermelons, aubergines, pumpkin, melon);
- nuts (except walnuts);
- berries that reduce the permeability of the vascular wall (cranberries, currants, cherries, blueberries, sea buckthorn);
- various cereals (in the form of porridges, side dishes, casseroles and soups - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice);
- lean fish, seafood, seaweed;
- dried fruit (all types);
- tea, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, unsalted cheese;
- vegetable oils.
The proposed set of products will help maintain normal vascular tone, control weight and prevent the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. It is good if the diet is supplemented with drug treatments using special creams and drugs prescribed by a doctor.
What should you not eat if you have varicose veins?
Correct nutrition for varicose veins involves limiting or eliminating the following foods:
- Sweets. These include baked goods made from white flour, sweets, cakes, jam, chocolate, condensed milk, cakes, ice cream.
- Spicy seasonings: black pepper, chili pepper, mustard, horseradish, as well as adjika, wasabi, etc.
- Carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, store-bought juices.
- Salt and sugar.
- Fatty meat products: pork, lard, meat with layers of fat.
- Marinades, pickles.
- Canned meat and fish products.
- Rich broths, jellies, jellies.
- Bananas, pomegranates.
- Whole sour cream, cream, melted cheese, butter.
- Legumes: lentils, beans, peas.
- Nuts.
It is not recommended to overeat, especially at night. Fasting is also not encouraged. But fasting days, on the contrary, are useful. They can be arranged once a week, using, for example, kefir, watermelon, buckwheat, tomato juice or apples.